Comments on: Secularism and the struggle for free speech The magazine of freethought, open enquiry and irreverence Tue, 03 Jan 2023 21:14:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Geoff Wilson Fri, 15 Apr 2022 08:25:08 +0000 “The best way to foster social cohesion and preserve harmony between people of all religions and beliefs is to recognise that the freedom to question, criticise or mock religion is every bit essential as the freedom to practise religion. True freedom of religion or belief for all cannot be realised without guaranteeing freedom of expression.”

The nub of the argument but as the repeated mentions of one particular faith to illustrate points in this article shows, one particular demographic, (the Islamic one) will not abide by that principle. Their opposition is now hard baked into their legal system (sharia).

Unfortunately, our authorities fear the probable unrest that challenging those views on blasphemy will engender more than the protests against restricting free speech.

The former opposition will almost certainly involve serious violence or that threat will be continuously in the background. Against such a threat the polite protests of liberal minded thinkers are of little concern, hence, the continued growth of restrictions on what can be said, ‘protected characteristics’ will continue in legislation because it is the easier route for government.

The only way to counter this is for liberal free thinking people to stop being nice and even-handed about this very real threat to our society, take the gloves off and very clearly and openly criticise Islam as a set of ideas. I have laid out in a comment on another article:

the basic tools (ECHR judgement and Council of Europe reports, resolutions) that can be used to critique Islam as a set of ideas. We now need people and organisations with bigger megaphones than my own puny voice to step up to the plate.

Concerns about tarring all Muslims, who may not believe all that sharia says, need to be put aside. They should not be regarded as a group that requires protection because Islam is a belief system, nothing more and the remedies to any stigma that criticism generates lie in their own hands. They can either work openly to change their beliefs or simply announce that they are no longer a Muslim.

Both courses of action carry risks given the Islamic law of apostasy and many attempts to change key principles of sharia carry the probability of being declared an apostate for any Muslim.

It is up to us to push hard for protecion for apostates and blasphemers (eg Batley teachers) in tandem with loud criticism of the many aspects of Islam-sharia that contravene human rights.
